
Themes designed for Tumblr blogs

Project maintained by wovenstarlight Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Theme 4: Sans Comic

Designed with webcomic blogs in mind, this doubles as a standard blog theme.

PREVIEWS: Index page, permalink


If you like this theme or plan to use it, please reblog it on Tumblr!





Screenshot previews

Screenshot of a Tumblr blog on the home page. It has a large header with a background image of a starry night; there are buttons on either side with a home and hourglass icon respectively. There are links to First and Previous above the posts. The blog avatar, description, and other links are placed in one column to the right of the posts. The blog is set to dark mode, with a predominantly dark blue palette with gold accents. Screenshot of a standard page, scrolled to the bottom. The page navigation now shows First, Previous, Next, and Last in images of pixelated text. The header is no longer visible, though the sidebar is, and there is pixel art of flames on the left and right of the posts as background images. The blog has been changed to the light theme, in purple and light red colors. Dark mode screenshot of a tag page. The header is narrower and doesn't have a background image or home/chronological links, and the header lists the number of posts in the tag along with links to posts sorted oldest first and newest first. The blog avatar is round instead of square, and the page navigation at the bottom shows the four First/Previous/Next/Last links in text instead of images.