Themes designed for Tumblr blogs
Project maintained by wovenstarlight
Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham
Theme 2: Paint Job
A super customizable theme, with everything you might need visible at a glance.
PREVIEWS: Index page, permalink
If you like this theme or plan to use it, please reblog it on Tumblr!
- All colors customizable
- Optional banner images for background and each individual sidebar
- Customizable positioning and sizing
- Optional features: choose whether to show or hide
- Avatar/Title/Description
- Search bar
- Like/Reblog buttons (individually toggleable)
- Tags
- Random post/Archive buttons
- Timestamps on posts
- Unlimited custom links
- Date/time options
- MM/DD or DD/MM format
- Times in 24-hour or 12-hour AM/PM format
- Choose between jump pagination or infinite scroll
- Supports group blogs (show/hide list of blog members)
- Dark/light modes - choose two distinct color themes!
- Set your default mode
- Optional mode toggle
- Font options for general text and title
- Choice between Tumblr and Google fonts
- Custom font size
- Customizable post width
- Collapsible sections for use on custom blog pages
- Responsive
- Supports new post types (NPF) and pinned posts
- Unnested captions
- Optional FAQ/submission guidelines for Ask/Submit pages
Screenshot previews