
Themes designed for Tumblr blogs

Project maintained by wovenstarlight Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Theme 10: Washi (3)

Inspired by a washi tape-decorated journal spread created by a friend.

PREVIEWS: Index page, permalink


If you like this theme or plan to use it, please reblog it on Tumblr!





Screenshot previews

Screenshot of a Tumblr blog laid out like a washi tape-decorated journal spread. On the left, 'tapes' stretch vertically and horizontally over the screen at an angle, with the avatar and an extra decorative image on top like stickers. The blog title and page count are written across the main strips, while smaller strips of 'tape' list the blog navigation. The posts are towards the right, laid out under a header image/description/links section. The same blog, now in a light color scheme. The header image/description section has been collapsed, and the links that were formerly included within it have been moved to the left, sitting underneath the blog navigation. To the right, the posts themselves are now clearly visible; the blocks of text are surrounded by more strips of faux-tape, on which the tags, timestamps, note counts, and more are written. Another screenshot in light colors, this time showing a tag page. The topmost post has been hidden for using a filtered tag, and a 'view post' button is present underneath to reveal it. Special text throughout the page, including the blog and page title, usernames, links, note counts, timestamps, and more, has been converted to uppercase.