
Themes designed for Tumblr blogs

Project maintained by wovenstarlight Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Theme 1: Discord v2

A theme replicating Discord’s layout, using unnested captions for a server-like feel.

PREVIEWS: Index page, permalink


If you like this theme or plan to use it, please reblog it on Tumblr!





Screenshot previews

Screenshot of a Tumblr blog with a layout identical to the chat client Discord's. It's set to dark mode and is currently showing the home page. Posts are where messages normally appear, and on the right side of the typing bar is a page counter. Screenshot of the home page, now on light mode and scrolled to the bottom. Instead of the page navigation in the typing bar, a 'Load more posts' button is at the bottom of the page. Dark mode screenshot of a post permalink page. In place of the Members list on the right is a list of post notes, icons marking likes and reblogs. The navigation in the typing bar now reads Show more posts, with links to the next and previous posts. Screenshot of the same permalink page, now on light mode. The notes bar is scrolled to the bottom to show a Load more notes button. The post itself is being hovered on to show the note count, permalink button, and source/via.